Ready to change the way you feel about your body?
Sign up for Body Talk: The Course and let's do it together!
Are you one of those people that makes small bets with yourself? I definitely am. In the past, I would constantly make promises, like… this summer I will lose 25 pounds, this year I will show up at school a new person, this time I mean it, it’s time. What if we took that mindset and shifted it towards something even better? Shedding those negative self critiques!
Whether you have been following me for five years or just five minutes, you showed up here (most likely) because you have a desire to not spend the rest of your life hating your body. You, like me, are ready to move on!
And I am here for it! And I want to help. So I am launching Body Talk: The Course, a twice-monthly deep dive, read-along with my book, where I will expand upon each chapter with my personal thoughts, notes and feelings. Plus, we will have discussions in the private Lobby Coffee chat to process it all together.
So why am I doing this if the book already exists?
Well, because people still ask me: How did you find your confidence? How did you free up your brain space? How did you go from hiding your thighs to jiggling your arms on the internet? And I want to help!
Plus, I understand that picking up a book and reading it and committing to the work can be hard. We have all gotten stuck with self help books before that just sit on your bedside table. It is easy to buy the book, sure. It is harder yet to do the work, to feel the feelings…but man is it worth it.
So I am telling you that you do not have to do it alone. I think if I provide this option for you to do the work, WITH me, you just might!
Here is an overview of how Body Talk: The Course will work:
Sign up for paid access to Lobby Coffee. I’ve reduced the amount to $5.00/a month in the hopes that you can join.
Buy or borrow Body Talk from your local library or bookstore. I recommend a real book so you can see the illustrations, vs. Kindle or Audible, and write in it! You will have two weeks in between each post to “read” the next chapter, but don’t worry, they are quick!
Look out for my twice a month gated posts, which breakdown what you just read, with my commentary on the chapter, and paid only chats in the Lobby where we will process what you just read in a supportive group. Here are the dates:
June 27th: Pages 1-35
July 11th: Pages 36-55
July 25th: Pages 56-69
August 8th: Pages 70-95
August 22nd: Pages 96-115
September 5th: Pages 116-153
September 19th: Pages 154-170
October 3rd: Pages 171-205
If we start this month, we can be in a different place by THE END OF SEPTEMBER! Now that is a body journey I can get on board with.
By the way, a major part of this “work” will be finding your mascot. Finding the time in your life when you were living completely without awareness of “good” and “bad” bodies. For many of you, this was a very short time, but we will find her and we will invite her out to teach us.
There is a paragraph in intro to Body Talk that makes me choke up every time I read it: “I am writing this book to help heal the little girl inside you who was told her appearance was wrong—to revive the joy she used to feel before she gave up on all the fun things she loved because it felt safer to hide. You’re still her, you know. She’s still in there. We just have to remind her how good it feels to do cartwheels with one of her butt cheeks hanging out.”
Thats it. Thats the attitude we are going to channel. If you are ready to take a baby step away from the bad feelings you have been having about yourself your whole life, or even if these feelings are new to you, lets do it together.
Who’s with me?
If you have any questions about how to upgrade your subscription or comments about the course, I am here for them!
I’m dealing with health issues and have gained quite a bit of weight. I’m really struggling, so I think this will be good for me.
I love the book and continue to reread it. Whenever I make a negative comment about myself, my husband says “ you need to read that book again” ❤️